In: Lesson

Master Easy Guitar Songs in No Time

Equipping yourself with a guitar and fostering an aspiration to play is just the start of…

Guitar Maintenance Tips: Keeping Your Instrument Prime

As any guitar enthusiast will attest, maintaining your instrument is as vital as learning the correct…

Expanding Your Chord Vocabulary: A Simplified Guide

The fascinating world of music is grossly detailed and multifaceted – with countless aspects that come…

Basic Music Theory and Scales: A Beginner’s Guide

Music, often described as the universal language, is vast and encompasses numerous intricate theories and concepts…

Understanding Guitar Tuning and Using a Tuner

Importance of proper guitar tuning: Proper guitar tuning is crucial for achieving accurate and pleasing sounds,…

Learning Proper Hand and Finger Positioning

Playing the guitar is an art form that requires not only musical skill but also proper…

Mastering the Guitar: Your Roadmap to Excellence

Guide to Learning Guitar: A Detailed Step-by-Step Tutorial Overview I. Introduction to Learning Guitar A. Benefits…